As-Purchased Condition - May 1998
Just after Clean
up in the back yard
Notice the top
of the Caravelle in the left background
The children are
my son Matthew (then 7) and nephew Charlie (then 6)
The stern. Check
out those FINS!
OK, so they aren't
very big, but they are Fins.
Motor is a 1967
Evinrude Big Twin 40hp
My niece Theresa
(then 3) is just visible behind the motor
Great Close-Up
of the Big Twin in As-Purchased Condition
The interior and rear bench seat. Kind of utilitarian!
First Launch - June 1998
On the trailer,
ready to go.
Don't forget the plug!
Last chance to abort. It Floats!
Unfortunately I didn't take more "Before" pictures. I really didn't know what I had at this point in the project. Just an old boat I wanted to put in the water.
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