Project Year 3 - 1997
The following spring I finished the small plywood details such as the footrest and began to cover the deck with fiberglass cloth. Notice the rust stains in the wood were the screws were placed in the pictures below. I should have used stainless steel screws rather than standard drywall type screws.
Preparing to cover deck with fiberglass cloth.
Bondo body filler used in cracks and around the edges of the plywood. This was done to positively attach the plywood to the hull and to create a smooth base for the fiberglass matting.
The foot rest is in place and secured with mat.
Cloth rolled over wet resin in small sections.
A plastic drop cloth is used to prevent sticking.
Bricks keep fresh mat covered with plastic.
Almost done! Last area has been wetted with resin and the cloth smoothed into place.
After the mat was attached to the plywood with resin it was covered with several more coats of resin. These are the last of the pictures that were taken of this project. Before the project was shelved the fiberglass work was completed and the original flotation near the transom was put back. The hull is ready to be joined with the top once again, only a small cleat needs to be made and installed before joining the two halves again.
The Caravelle Tarpon project has lay dormant since early 1998 when the Corl Bonanza arrived. Now that the Bonanza project is complete I hope to start work on the Tarpon again soon.
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